Changelog ========= This document records all notable changes to `TOPTICA Python Laser SDK `_. This project adheres to `Semantic Versioning `_. 1.0.0 — 2018-02 --------------- * Initial release 1.0.1 — 2018-03 --------------- * ``Fixed`` ``Client.exec()`` fails when ``input_stream`` is empty 1.1.0 — 2018-04 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v1.8.1 * ``Fixed`` Cancellation sometimes creates an error when using a serial connection 1.2.0 — 2018-08 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v1.9.0 * ``Fixed`` Handle errors when receiving invalid UTF-8 characters 1.3.0 — 2019-01 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.0.1 * ``Fixed`` Allow hostnames when using a network connection 1.3.1 — 2019-01 --------------- * ``Fixed`` Prevent warning when using ``MutableDecofBoolean.set()`` 1.4.0 — 2019-02 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.0.3 2.0.0 — 2019-03 --------------- * ``Changed`` Renamed ``.async.*`` to ``.asyncio.*`` to support Python 3.7+ * ``Changed`` Renamed ``.decof.AccessLevel`` to ``.decop.UserLevel`` * ``Changed`` Renamed ``.decof.Decof*`` to ``.decop.Decop*`` * ``Changed`` Renamed ``.client.Decof*`` to ``.client.Decop*`` * ``Changed`` Renamed ``.client.MutableDecof*`` to ``.client.MutableDecop*`` * ``Changed`` Renamed ``.async.client.Decof*`` to ``.asyncio.client.Decop*`` * ``Changed`` Renamed ``.async.client.MutableDecof*`` to ``.asyncio.client.MutableDecop*`` 2.1.0 — 2019-05 --------------- * ``Added`` Support for GSV parameters that are still in use by some iChrome family products * ``Fixed`` Issue with line endings on Monitoring Line of some fiber lasers 2.2.0 — 2020-04 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.1.0 * ``Fixed`` Handle multiple Monitoring Line messages within the same TCP packet * ``Fixed`` Handle errors even when they are not the first line in a response * ``Fixed`` Allow to call ``stop()`` within subscription callbacks 2.2.1 — 2020-04 --------------- * ``Fixed`` Issue with handling long error messages 2.3.0 — 2020-05 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.2.0 2.4.0 — 2020-10 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.3.0 * ``Added`` Deprecate optional 'loop' parameter in connection classes * ``Fixed`` Remove parameter from monitoring line when last subscription was canceled * ``Fixed`` Fix canceling subscriptions when closing a connection * ``Fixed`` Replace NotImplemented with NotImplementedError * ``Fixed`` Use the broadcast address of each network interface for device discovery * ``Fixed`` Stream operations in NetworkConnection ignore timeout * ``Fixed`` Remove callbacks when closing a NetworkConnection 2.5.0 — 2020-11 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.4.0 * ``Changed`` Make 'type' parameter optional in low-level API 2.6.0 — 2021-05 --------------- * ``Added`` Add IDs for DLC pro signal channels * ``Added`` Add source distribution on PyPI * ``Added`` Allow integer values for REAL parameters * ``Fixed`` Allow calling Client.stop() only if was called before 2.7.0 — 2021-10 --------------- * ``Added`` iCHROME CLE v1.0.8 * ``Added`` iCHROME CLE v1.1.3 * ``Added`` iCHROME CLE v2.2.5 * ``Added`` iCHROME MLE v1.8.1 * ``Added`` iCHROME MLE v2.2.0 * ``Added`` iCHROME MLE v2.3.1 * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.3.2 * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.5.2 * ``Added`` Add improved example for the low-level API 2.7.1 — 2022-02 --------------- * ``Changed`` Prevent installation on Python 3.10 and higher 2.8.0 — 2022-04 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.6.0 3.0.0 — 2022-04 --------------- * ``Added`` Allow use of the synchronous API in event loops * ``Changed`` Remove support for Python 3.5 * ``Changed`` Improve overall API (see :ref:`upgrade-to-version-3`) 3.0.1 — 2022-05 --------------- * ``Fixed`` Allow patch versions of Python 3.10 3.1.0 — 2023-03 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.5.2 * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.5.3 * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.5.4 * ``Added`` DLC pro v2.7.2 * ``Added`` DLC pro v3.0.1 3.1.1 — 2023-09 --------------- * ``Added`` Example for the DLC pro recorder / Wide Scan * ``Added`` Example for a monitoring line data logger * ``Fixed`` Allow using connections on threads without an event loop 3.1.2 — 2023-11 --------------- * ``Changed`` Relaxed the requirements for unreleased Python versions 3.2.0 — 2024-04 --------------- * ``Added`` DLC pro v3.1.0 * ``Added`` DLC pro v3.2.0